Expert advice to help you maximise your tax refund
Expert advice to help you maximise your tax refund
The Benefits
As taxation specialists, we are here to make tax simple. We currently have two convenient locations across Adelaide and are always available to provide support and guidance.
Our team will advise you as to what information is required in order to lodge a tax return, and what expenses you can claim. Feel free to contact our office for a detailed list of expenses.
No matter the industry or sector you work in, or whether you’re employed full-time, pat-time or studying, Ashmans Accounting provides tax and specialist accounting services to suit your needs.
At Ashmans Accounting, we are committed to minimising your personal tax liability and ensuring that you are claiming all of the deductions to which you are entitled. We do this by working with you to source and collate all relevant documentation pertaining to your income and expenses, including:
Looking ahead, we also provide comprehensive tax planning services designed to ensure your optimal tax position in the future. Our expert knowledge of the Australian taxation system means that you can be sure you are claiming all possible deductions available in your industry or profession.Beyond preparing your annual income tax return, our specialists can also assist you with a range of other taxation and financial issues, including late lodgements or outstanding tax debts, capital gains tax, property investment, or income derived from stocks and cryptocurrencies.
Trusted Adelaide Accountants
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
You can lodge a tax return after 30 June each year, with the deadline for submission being 31 October. However, if Ashmans Accounting is registered with the ATO as your tax agent, you will generally be granted an extension beyond this date to 15 May in the year proceeding the end of the financial year, e.g., for the year ended 30 June 2021, your tax return will be due 15 May 2022 (provided you are up to date with all your other years’ lodgements).
There are a number of benefits to working with Ashmans Accounting, even if it seems your tax affairs are relatively uncomplicated. The process itself is not time consuming, and we will advise you as to the sort of documentation you require. In the end, sitting down with one of our expert tax advisers will likely be a better use of your time than attempting to lodge your tax return online yourself. Working with a tax specialist also removes the stress. No matter how careful or methodical you are, if you’re not familiar with ATO procedures and requirements it is possible to slip up, meaning you might have to endure an audit or, in the worst case scenario, fines or other penalties. However, when you lodge your return using Ashmans Accounting as your tax agent, you can be sure you are compliant with tax laws and that your return is being prepared thoroughly and accurately.
Expenses incurred as part of your work can be claimed as deductions. This not only reduces your tax liabilities, but can lead to you receiving a refund once you lodge your tax return, i.e., you have paid more tax during the year than you were liable for. Our accountants will advise you as to the specific deductions you are entitled to claim, but as a guide these can include: vehicle and travel expenses; home office expenses; personal super contributions; tools and equipment; and costs associated with managing your tax. There are also occupation and industry specific allowances and deductions that you can claim — Ashmans tax specialists can advise you on this.
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Accounting & Tax Accountants
Accounting & Tax Accountants