The Benefits of Hiring a Bookkeeper

Tailor your approach to your unique needs and establish a productive working relationship with your bookkeeper.

August 11, 2023

Our top 10 tips to ensure a smooth and effective collaboration when working with a Bookkeeper

1.    Clear communication

Clearly communicate your expectations, requirements, and goals to your bookkeeper. This includes providing detailed instructions and specifications for the tasks you want them to handle.

2.    Regular updates

Stay in touch with your bookkeeper and establish a regular communication schedule. This allows you to receive updates on the progress of their work address any concerns or questions, and maintain a clear line of communication.

3.    Organise your documents

Provide your bookkeeper with well-organised and categorised financial documents. This makes their job easier and reduces the time required to sort through paperwork. Utilise digital tools like cloud storage or document management systems to streamline the process. Ashmans utilise Dext and Hubdoc software and consider it very efficient and effective.

4.    Keep your records up to date

Keep your financial records accurate by providing your bookkeeper with access to bank statements, receipts, invoices, and any other relevant financial documents. Try not to let too much paperwork pile up but set aside time to get it done every day or every week. A little and often, is the key.

5.    Use accounting software

Implementing accounting software can simplify the bookkeeping process and enable your bookkeeper to work more efficiently. Spreadsheets and the like, are not good enough in today’s world for running a business. Ashmans can work with any software commercially available but prefer Xero and offer migration services from MYOB, QuickBooks and Cashflow Manager.

6.    Establish clear deadlines

Set realistic deadlines for the completion of tasks and communicate them clearly to your bookkeeper. This helps them prioritise their work and ensures that you receive the financial reports or data when you need them.

7.    Review Financial Reports

Regularly review the financial reports prepared by your bookkeeper. This allows you to identify any discrepancies, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of your business's financial health.

8.    Seek Expertise

If you're unfamiliar with bookkeeping or have complex financial needs, Ashmans are accountants as well as a bookkeepers. This expertise can help you navigate complicated financial matters and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

9.    Foster a Partnership

Treat your bookkeeper as a valuable partner in your business. Cultivate a professional relationship based on trust, respect, and open communication.This will foster collaboration and make working together more enjoyable and effective.

10.  Stay Informed

While your bookkeeper handles the day-to-day financial tasks, it's essential to stay informed about basic accounting principles and financial concepts. This knowledge allows you to ask informed questions and make strategic decisions for your business. If you need to know more about the basics please contact Ashmans here.

Remember, these tips are general guidelines, and the specific requirements may vary based on your business and industry. Tailor your approach to your unique needs and establish a productive working relationship with your bookkeeper.

Photo by Centre for Ageing Better on Unsplash